Saturday, April 3, 2010

Constitutional Crisis or Good Law?

Women of Liberty Second Suggested Reading
Who knew when we embarked on this reading project a few short months ago we would be facing a potential Constitutional Crisis in our own lifetime? With President Obama’s signing of the Health Care Reform Act, state Attorneys General across the country (including Florida’s) filed law suits in Federal Court challenging the Act’s constitutionality.
Depending on who you are listening to at any given moment, Health Care Reform is either going to save our country or destroy it. The Act is either completely outside the Federal Government’s power or a perfectly legal way to legislate for the public good. Health Care for all is either a fundamental right or an unconstitutional takeover of private enterprise and a trampling of individual rights.
So what is the truth? Well, it depends on which interpretation of the Constitution one adheres to.
Our first reading assignment included an outline with discussion points to help us as we read the text of the Constitution. The questions in the outline were meant to prompt our readers to ask themselves just what the proper interpretation should be. Our next reading assignment will help you decide for yourself.
The second reading is Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen. It tells the story of the Constitutional Convention and reads like a novel. In Ms. Bowen’s account you can feel the heat of Philadelphia during that summer of 1787 and the tension in the room as the most brilliant minds of the time debated and eventually produced “the most enduring of political documents~the Constitution of the United States.”
Ms. Bowen’s book provides a unique insight into the men who created our Constitution and the ideas, ideals, and principles that compelled them. As you read about the conflicting theories of government each man brought to the table, the debates over those theories, and the compromises reached you begin to understand more fully what a “miracle” our Constitution really is.
Over 220 years later the core principles of our Constitution are being challenged in a very real way. The outcome will affect all of us and our families for generations to come. Now more than ever, we need to understand those principles so we can answer the question for ourselves~ Constitutional Crisis or Good Law?
We look forward to a meaningful online discussion of these issues through our blog. We hope you will visit our blog site often as the debate about which direction our country will follow continues.

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